
14h00 - 15h50

Atlanbois II

Lego, good practice and fun!

[WORKSHOP] – Nombre de places limité à 20 personnes


Play with us! Using several small games to discover and appreciate the quality of code, the simplicity, the refactoring or even the tdd.
Explaining good coding practice is complicated. Understanding is one of the keys to changing your mindset, and good technical practice is a prerequisite to create good-quality code, so it is important to explain them.

We propose using Lego to understand the mechanisms and interests:

  • of simplicity;
    of TDD;
    of refactoring;
    of continued integration;
    and of “clean” code.

According to an original workshop by Mike Bowler and Bryan Beecham.
The speakers: We – Antoine, a developer and Cécile, a facilitator – have found two simple games to explain to devs/managers/directors/PO how much developers and their manner of coding is one of the cornerstones of agility. And above all, how to make them aware that good code is time, reflection and teamwork.
Each game lasts between 20 and 45 minutes. At the start of the session, the participants will choose the games they wish to participate in. We will be acting as the two hosts, so several small groups may form to play the different games.

These games have been created by Mike Bowler and Bryan Beecham. Spoiler alert, descriptions of the games: