
12h10 - 12h30

Insula I

Multiply your relationships with JSON

Today, it’s almost easy to create artificial intelligence, mobility, or ‘Big Data’, or to go into space, but it’s still just as painful to have to generate a PDF document with headers and footers worthy of the name, all whilst adhering efficiently to the specifications of a big international client. What’s more, you have to install an “anvil” on your server, or else juggle with different tools to export your documents in every imaginable format.
It would be good if a lightweight, open-source tool existed to generate PDF, DOCX, XSLX, PPTX, ODS and ODT […] documents from JSON, in less than 5 minutes, without coding a single line of code, without learning to use a new graphic tool and without needing to install anything (for the busiest among us).
Does respond to that need? You tell me – Ideolys is opening its code at Web2Day!