Product Manager @REVEVOL

Après avoir obtenu son diplôme en école de commerce, Romain a découvert Google Apps Script et les joies de l’automatisation. Il a rapidement rejoint Revevol – un revendeur G Suite, comme consultant. Pendant son temps libre, Romain a créé plusieurs applications à succès (comme Gmail Meter, Yet Another Mail Merge et Awesome Table). C’est maintenant son activité principale et une part croissante du revenu de Revevol.

After graduating from a business school, Romain discovered Google Apps Script and the wonderful world of automations. He quickly joined Revevol – a G Suite reseller – as a consultant. In his spare time, Romain created several successful apps (like Gmail Meter, Yet Another Mail Merge and Awesome Table). This is now his full-time job and a growing part of Revevol’s business.